Issue 22: Tulum

Sale price Regular price ¥700


A photo essay of the artwork, walls, signage, and environments in the town of Tulum, in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.

12.7cm x 17.78cm
20 pages

Comes with postcard and stickers

Black and white laser copy with full colour cover

Staple bound

Edition of 100

自身のクリエイティブなプロジェクトや興味のあることを、友人や周囲の人々と共有する為に、2009年にカナダを拠点に始まったYo sick。

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Self published artist books, prints, soft goods, accessories and jokes.

Yo Sick began in 2009 by Prashant Gopal as a way to share creative projects and things of interest with friends and those around him. Since that time it has grown into a title and label for creating affordable and accessible work to share with the world.