イラン人女性のMeredith Niruiによるこのジンは、キアヌの写真や切り抜き、彼女のキアヌについての日記やキアヌと一緒に撮った写真で溢れ、そしてキアヌの折り込みのポスターまでもが入っています。
娘のAva (@avanope)とビジュアルデザイナーのPZ Opassuksatitが編集・デザインを手がけ、IDEA BOOKSにより出版され、Dover Street Marketなどで販売されています。
The ultimate fanzine from a woman who has loved Keanu Reeves for 20 years.
In honour of her two-decade-long journey, Nirui has created a fanzine full of photos, diary entries, clippings, photos of them together, and, even, a pull-out poster. Affectionately titled, My Keanu, the fanzine is art directed by PZ, edited by her daughter Ava (@avanope) – who also interviews her mum inside it. My Keanu is published by IDEA and sold via Dover Street Market, alongside merch, from today.
In honour of her two-decade-long journey, Nirui has created a fanzine full of photos, diary entries, clippings, photos of them together, and, even, a pull-out poster. Affectionately titled, My Keanu, the fanzine is art directed by PZ, edited by her daughter Ava (@avanope) – who also interviews her mum inside it. My Keanu is published by IDEA and sold via Dover Street Market, alongside merch, from today.
My Keanu.
The story of Meredith Nirui (and Keanu Reeves).
Softcover fanzine.
Comes with 4x6" photo print and 54 x 40.5cm poster.
29.5 x 21cm.
68 pages.
Edited by Ava Nirui, designed by PZ.
Edition of 500.
The story of Meredith Nirui (and Keanu Reeves).
Softcover fanzine.
Comes with 4x6" photo print and 54 x 40.5cm poster.
29.5 x 21cm.
68 pages.
Edited by Ava Nirui, designed by PZ.
Edition of 500.
--IDEA Books--
IDEA Books is more popular than ever, operating mini shops inside Dover Street Market in both London and New York, wholesaling anonymously to other concept stores.
1976年にロンドンで設立されたIDEA Booksは、ヴィンテージの本の販売から、コンテンポラリー建築やアート、写真、デザイン、ファッション、映画に特化したパブリッシャー。