Closing Ceremony Books Nylon Hat Black / Samepaper

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Closing Ceremony Books Nylon Hat.


2021年にリリースされた”Amateur Photographerに続く、新シリーズ”Amateur”。

Closing Ceremony/CCシリーズ のトピックである'Amateur'は、 情熱があるからこそ'アマチュア’フォトグラファーでいることを選んだ人々からインスパイアされています。



Being amateur is originated from ardently love. In 2022, Same Paper has established its clothing line amateur after launching our clothing series Amateur Photographer in 2021.

The topic of Closing Ceremony CC series  'Amateur Photographer,' which is inspired by those who choose to become an 'amateur photographer' as they have a passion for photography. They could be a group of enthusiasts who merely enjoy shooting, instead of taking pictures for a living.

They could also be the professionals who keep an 'amateur' attitude and take photography seriously apart from their commission projects in order to stay gold.Here we create a set of design inspired by modern design, anxieties in contemporary in daily life.


2013年にフォトグラファーであるXiaopeng Yuanとグラフィックデザイナー、Yijun Wangによって設立された、上海を拠点に活動するインディペンデントパブリシャー兼スタジオ。